Hey I'm Reija! 👋

Ray or RJ for short

I'm a thoughtful sensitive soul who feels very strongly about quality tools and experiences. I was largely raised by the internet, my own creativity and queer community. These are some of the results.


Javascript (es5), three.js, team of 4 in 2 weeks, shelf-stable for > 5 years

A meditative animation for your browser-tired eyes. Features simple controls for viewing a procedural tree-growth simulation based on Lindenmayer Systems, and a correspondingly modeled progression of days & seasons.

gif of procedural tree growth animation


Serverless javascript with npm, Angular framework, team of 2 in 2 days

An interactive implementation of John Conway's Game of Life in Angular. Featuring color-selector and frame-level animation controls.

empty game state displaying title
gif showing animation of an oscillatory sequence
still image from game animation sequence
still image from game animation sequence showing color controls


Completed independently over 1 week with Ruby on Rails, Nokogiri, PostgreSQL

A JSON API with extensive data from RuPaul's Drag Race. Uses web-scraping to populate data endpoints on all the queens, seasons, episodes, and challenges of the show.

gif showing functionality of API spec site


React Native app that uses hacked bluetooth (BLE) tags with buttons as discrete indepedent controllers.

A simple multiplayer elimination game. Think digital & stylized musical chairs. Completed as a proof-of-concept with contributions from multiple team members at a small agency.

mobile app game control screen
spread of gameplay screenshots from mobile app

The Space Above - Custom lighting build with thematic programming for collaborative dance exhibition.

Built using the Arduino platform, RF remote & receiver & APA102 addressable LEDS.

Custom lighting build with thematic programming. Version control really saved the day on this one 🤓

blue and orange lighting alongside video of a dancer
blue lights against dark dusk sky strips of white lights in the dark of night red gradients at dawn some of the unexpected colors of the dawn sky


Sound-responsive refractive light sculpture. Completed as an independent capstone project for my Bachelor's degree, bringing together engineering with design.

The tech is Arduino Uno with custom circuit & addressable LEDs. The build features a CNC-milled base of MDF boards to house the electronics and acrylic panels etched with original artwork.

& Orfeo's prototype - featuring a topographic motif that I designed as a tile pattern for other digital and print assets.

closeup of green lit topographic lines

That's all for now, it feels necessary to keep my online portfolio very basic whilst I am generally more focused on fulfilling fundamentals than flashy presentation. I'm always brainstorming new creative projects and looking for opportunities. Let's connect!